BTS Love Yourself: Her Album Review

Hi! One of the most anticipated comebacks of the year is finally here! BTS is back with Love Yourself: Her 🙂 Sadly, I was out all day on the 18th and reached home around 6pm so I couldn’t be there for the DNA MV release. Anyways, it was hot, tiring and nauseous so listening to the album at the end of day probably saved my life and extended it too. I listened to it thrice that day and twice today besides watching the DNA MV 7-8 times by now so I think it’s time to give my opinion 😀


Quick Introduction to BTS Members


Leader. Rapper. Composer. Lyricist.


Eldest. Visual. Vocalist. Worldwide Handsome. King of Shooting Hearts & Flying Kisses.


Rapper. Lyricist. Producer. Composer. Savage. Fluffy.


Main dancer. Rapper. Sunshine. Our Hope, our Angel 🙂 My UB ❤


Vocalist. Contemporary dancer. Literal angel.


Vocalist. Voice deeper than the Atlantic. King of Fanservice. Resident Cutie.


Maknae. Vocalist. Dancer. Mr. I Can Do Anything. Gym addict. Arch nemesis: Jin.


Love Yourself: Her Tracks

Intro: Serendipity by Jimin

I was legit crying when BigHit dropped the MV. It was everything ❤ Jimin’s voice, his visuals, the concept, the lyrics and the composition raised my expectations for Her very high. It’s not something BTS does often and I could sense the change in their sound and concept.

Title Track: DNA

Recently, there’s been this trend of randomness in Kpop that scares me. Two highly anticipated releases were ruined for me because of this random arrangement thing plaguing Kpop these days. At first listen, I thought this was one of those songs. I was dying because the teasers had two of my favorite things: whistling and guitar. They kind of faded into the background for the rest of the song. I was disappointed though there were some parts I liked especially that last dance break. After listening to DNA for 7-8 times, I have finally found the flow that connects all the parts 😀 Thank God! It doesn’t have that random quality I feared at first. Though this is not one of my favorite tracks in this album, it’s a pretty good song.

I LOVED the MV ❤ I was dying for something cute and fun from BTS. Looks like my prayers have been answered 😉 Everyone was so fluffy and I could see more of their personalities. I liked the little links between Serendipity and DNA. The lyrics and references to the Serendipity MV made Love Yourself: Her seem more cohesive. There were plenty of references to other previous MVs but I’m not going into theories right now.

Best of Me

A lot of people have been saying that BTS’s current sound has more Western influence but I disagree. It’s not Western. It’s something that has been trending this year in Kpop. Sure, it’s something new for BTS but that’s what I love about BTS: their versatility. They pulled it off beautifully ❤ I really liked the composition of this song and I’ll be repeating this for other songs too but having mid-tempo romantic numbers has brought over the soft side of the rappers so they shine in this album.

보조개 (Dimple/ Illegal)

Hands down my favorite track from this album! It brought out those One Day feels which happens to be one of my favorite BTS songs. The boys rarely made songs like these in the past. It’s cute, sweet and romantic with a sexy thrown in. I’m expecting a lot of fanservice for its live stage. The composition, arrangement, vocals and music just blends together to create the perfect mix ❤ You could say it’s almost “illegal” 😉

Pied Piper

I’m so upset that this got a low ranking from me. Why? That damned pitch in the chorus!!! WHY?????????????????????????? It’s so unflattering for all their voices especially Taehyung’s voice. The opening and pre-chorus are so good and then we have this ridiculous pitch in the chorus ruining ruining it for me 😦  The concept of the song is witty and the composition is really pleasant too.

Mic Drop

It isn’t mentioned by name but I think this maybe the last of the Cyphers judging by the lyrics. The Cyphers are awesome and I’m sad to see them go if that’s the case. Still, I’ll be glad that the boys aren’t focusing on their haters anymore and are so done with this conversation. Mic Drop is not that similar in sound to the Cyphers but I do like it.

고민보다 Go

The mood of this song is just fantastic. It has a lazy Idc vibe that goes perfectly with the message of the lyrics. It’s a different take on Carpe diem. Of course, the song does exaggerate for dramatic effect but the idea is the same. Asians in particular are often raised being told to work hard and save. If you look at it another way, we keep saving for a tomorrow that may never come while depriving ourselves of important things or things that make us happy. I remember when I first starting earning as a student, I would just save and not spend. Overtime, I realized I could spend smartly and save money too. I shouldn’t deny myself the happiness that I deserve.

Outro: Her

I am a bit confused about some of the lyrics but Her obviously talks about the “mask” idols don in front of the cameras because they want fans to see the best of them regardless of how little it may be related to who they truly really are as people. Others may think this is two-faced but I don’t. We all want to show our best to others. Idols want the same. Then the lyrics go on to reveal how trying to be the best they can be for their fans has changed them for the better. I think this is true for any relationship. We try to show our best and eventually become better people for our loved ones. However, when we learn to love ourselves, we don’t feel like we have to hide anymore especially not from our loved ones. Everyone can relate to that.


That wraps up this review 🙂 I’ll be posting an unboxing post when I get my pre-ordered copy of this album. Let me know your thoughts on Love Yourself: Her. Did you like the new sound? What are your favorite tracks? Great job with the views ARMY! Congratulations ❤ ARMYs fighting! BTS fighting!


Disclaimer: All the concept photos used belong to BigHit


Author: The Desi Dragoness

You know that person who sits by and listens while people bicker and snap at each other over anything and everything? That's me. During my observations, I realized that there are not many people who agree with my point of view. Sometimes, I wish I did think like most people then I wouldn't have such a hard time fitting in but as it is I stick out like a sore thumb.

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